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We currently have the following spaces in our school:-

Reception - 5

Year 1 - 5

Year 2 - 0

Year 3 - 1

Year 4 - 5

Year 5 - 4

Year 6 - 0

If you wish to enrol your child at Crazies Hill School, the school office team will be pleased to give you all the relevant information. We would like you to visit the school, if possible, before enrolling your child. We will be happy to make an appointment and will answer any queries you may have at that time.

Applications for admission are made centrally to Wokingham Borough Council – further information can be found on their website

You can register your child's details with school admissions on the Citizen Portal, to receive reminder emails about when to apply for a school place.

Please read the This contains all information you need to know about applying for a school place.

Wokingham Borough Council informs parents of the availability of a place during the term before their child is due to start school. The current policy is to take pupils at the start of the academic year in which they become 5 years old. All pupils starting school attend school initially for mornings only for the first two weeks of term, and start full time after this if the parents and school agree that this is appropriate.

Towards the end of the term prior to your child's admission, he or she will be invited to come to the school for one or more half-day sessions to meet the teacher and the children, and to share in the activities of the class.
Where space allows, the school accepts children joining other year groups. The number of children who may be admitted to each year group (Published Admission Number) is 15.

Since a fall in the number of children on the roll can make a crucial difference to the organisation of a small school, we hope that children will remain at our school for the full period of their primary education.

In Year Admissions

If you would like your child to join our school during the current academic year, please contact Wokingham Borough Council who manage all admissions

2023-2024 Admissions Policy

2024-2025 Determined Admissions Policy