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The Local Governing Body

Welcome from Crazies Hill CE Primary School’s Local Governing Body.

Our Christian Vision

The Local Governing Body works in partnership with TKAT, the local community and the local parish church (Parish of Wargrave With Knowl Hill) to promote and live out its Christian Vision- ‘A tree is known by its fruit- people by their actions’ All our policies and practices are linked to this vision and the embodiment of it in our staff and pupils’ everyday lives.  It is exemplified by our three core Christian values of respect, relationship and resilience.

Our children and staff have the resilience to weather life’s ups and downs, demonstrate respect for themselves, others and their environment and have the ability to build and maintain good relationships with all in their community. As governors we recognise that our children and staff are our biggest asset.

Our school’s curriculum is driven by our vision and the aim that the children from Crazies Hill CE Primary will go out into the world and make the world a better place. We provide a rich moral diet through our inspirational broad and balanced curriculum created around the core values.

What We Do

We work in partnership with, and are responsible to, The Keys Academy Trust (TKAT). Together with our Head of School, Executive Headteacher, Staff and Trust Members we are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of our school. We are not involved in the day to day running of the school but work more strategically to meet the following core functions:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school in line with our church school status.
  • To hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and for the effective performance management of staff.
  • To oversee the efficient financial management of the school.
  • To maintain ultimate responsibility for safeguarding, ensuring pupils feel safe and are safe.

Local Governing Board Diversity Data

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
  • address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable. 

Governance Structure

Governors are appointed by TKAT, with exception of parent and staff governors who are elected. We are all volunteers bringing with us a broad range of skills. Our local governing body is made up of: two staff governors, two parent governors, two foundation governors and four trust appointed governors, making ten in total. Work is undertaken through twice-termly local governing body meetings, committee meetings and visits to the school and conversations with school members. We have three committees:

  • Finance and Estate Management committee
  • Staffing and Curriculum committee
  • Pupil and Community committee

The Keys Academy Trust

For the structure of governance in TKAT please follow this link TKAT. We work within a scheme of delegation which can be accessed here.

Getting in Touch

It is our aim as a Local Governing Body to be as open and as approachable as possible. Therefore, we are keen to hear from you if you have any questions relating to our strategic function. Matters concerning the day to day running of the school or your child’s wellbeing should be raised with the class teachers or the Head of School.

To reach governors please email

Committee Membership:

Type Name Committee Area of Responsibility

Chair of Governors


Mrs Lesley Turville

Pupil & Community (Chair)

Staffing & Curriculum (Chair)

SIAMS, RE and Collective Worship



Governor Development

(incl. Filtering and Monitoring)

Executive Head Teacher

Ex officio staff

Mr Luke Henderson

Finance & Estate Management

Pupil & Community

Staffing & Curriculum


Head of School

Ex officio staff

Mrs Jo Shell

Finance & Estate Management

Pupil & Community

Staffing & Curriculum


Vice Chair of Governors


Mr David Wyatt

Finance & Estate Management

Staffing & Curriculum

Health & Safety




Foundation Mrs Sarah Whiteside  


Parent Mr Peter Riley

Finance & Estate Management

Risk Register


Trust Mrs Helen Jones Staffing & Curriculum

SEN & Vulnerable Groups
- including Pupil Premium




Mrs Stephanie Kolesar-Dale
Pupil & Community Parent & Pupil Voice
Modern Foreign Languages

Mrs Sophie Batting Pupil & Community





Trust Vacancy  


Invited Attendees
  Mrs Lisa Spooner Governance Professional  
  Mrs Helen Young Finance & Estate Management  
  Mrs Alison Lochhead Finance & Estate Management  


Terms of Office:

Name Start Date End Date Term Appointed By
Mrs Lesley Turville 19/07/2022 18/07/2026 4 Years Trust
Mr Luke Henderson 01/09/2021 NA Ongoing Ex officio
Mrs Jo Shell 01/09/2019 NA Ongoing Ex officio
Mr David Wyatt 01/09/2023 31/08/2027 4 Years Foundation
Mrs Sarah Whiteside 27/11/2024 26/11/2028 4 Years Foundation
Mrs Helen Jones 23/11/2022 22/11/2026 4 Years Trust
Mr Peter Riley 08/02/2023 07/02/2027 4 Years Parent
Mrs Stephanie Kolesar-Dale 18/01/2024 17/01/2028 4 Years Parent
Mrs Sophie Batting 01/10/2024 30/09/2028 4 Years Staff


Governors Prior Academic Year Attendance:

Name LGB Meetings 2023-2024

Committee Meetings 2023-2024

Jo Shell 6/6 15/15
Lesley Turville 6/6 9/9
David Wyatt 6/6 12/12
Stephanie Kolesar-Dale 3/4 2/3
Barbara Ratings 5/6 0/3
Luke Henderson 6/6 4/6
Andrew Imlay 2/3 2/3
Helen Jones 5/6 6/6
Peter Riley 5/6 3/4
Sophie Batting N/A N/A
Sarah Whiteside N/A N/A


Register of Other Interests

Name Other Interest
Lesley Turville

Wargrave with Knowl Hill PCC / Piggott Trust / The Breakthrough Trust (India)

Husband is associate minister at St Mary’s, Wargrave 

Husband Vice-Chair of Governors Knowl Hill Academy

David Wyatt

Governor of Robert Piggott Schools 

Trustee of Agape Multi Academy Trust

Luke Henderson

Staff, Headteacher of The Coombes Church of England Primary School,

Trustee of Sonning Out of Hours Club 

Jo Shell Staff
Peter Riley Parent
Stephanie Kolesar-Dale Parent
Sophie Batting Staff
Sarah Whiteside Wargrave with Knowl Hill PCC


Scheme of Delegation - see below


Previous Governors (previous 12 months):

Category Name End Date



Mrs Barbara Ratings

Mr Andrew Imlay

